DPI SPECTACULAR EXPERIMENT/ DPI EXPERIMENTO ESPETACULAR presents itself as a spectacular experiment in which a previously rehearsed solo triggers the creation of scripts and performances for other subsequent solos. The writing of the scripts and the "show" happen simultaneously, and in real time. Each stage of the process is revealed to the audience present.

The experiment problematizes the translation of language from the body to writing, from writing to the body, and so on, and raises questions such as: how far can we remain faithful to the initial object? To what extent does the nature of distinct languages ​​create new objects?

Artists from different segments of the scene are invited to the presentations, divided between performers and screenwriters. The meeting of these artists enhances the experience, as well as promoting a second event which is the meeting for exchange and dialogue between creators from different areas and niches of dance.

Direction and Creation Clarice Lima Collaborators Cristian Duarte, Thelma Bonavita, Ana Dupas, Bruno Freire, Daniel Fagundes and Leandro Berton Participants 20 to 14 guest artists Duration 60min approximately Age rating Free
"DPI Spectacular Experiment is an offshoot of Dpi that was part of the Archeology of the Future project, developed by the DESABA project - coordinated by Cristian Duarte and Thelma Bonavita in collaboration with Ana Dupas, Bruno Freire, Clarice Lima, Daniel Fagundes, Júlia Rocha, Leandro Berton and Rosa Hercoles; carried out through the 8th Municipal Dance Promotion Program for the city of São Paulo."

DPI Spectacular Experiment (2010)