HEAD HEART / CABEÇA CORAÇÃO is a research, practice, experimentation and creation group that between July and September 2022 was dedicated to moving head and heart in different directions.

It carried out four editions of the laboratory/ dance/ research/ experiment/ documentary where we wanted to experiment and practice sensitive and tactile ways of moving head and heart together in the online environment and whose result was presented in the format of a dance documentary in partnership with Patrícia Araujo.

We invited Tarina Quelho and Soraya Portela to interview Christine Greiner, Elisabete Finger, Helena Vieira, Joice Berth and Clarice Lima, approaching the body, dance and choreography of different women and their respective experiences in research, creation, thoughts, dreams, head and heart.

During the four months of work, it also held two public openings, sharing different aspects of the research.

Direction and Choreography Clarice Lima Creation and dance Clarice Lima, Aline Bonamin, Amanda Dias,  Karen Marçal, i gonçalves, Marcela Costa, Natália Mendonça e Patrícia Árabe.
"This project was carried out with the support of the Municipal Program for the Promotion of Dance for the city of São Paulo - Municipal Secretariat of Culture"
+ Dance Labs 
+ Documentary
+ Interviews Publication
+ Video Interviews
+ Open Heart
+ Winged Heart 

Head heart (2022)